Duplicate Payment Notice to Providers

Click Here for the Official Statement

Duplicate Payment

Due to a technical issue, a small number of child care providers recently received a duplicate payment from the Illinois Department of Human Services Child Care Assistance Program. This payment may have been received after July 12, 2021. Please check your records to determine if you were affected. If you were affected, please review the details below.

If you received this duplicate payment as a paper check, please write “VOID” across the front of the duplicate check and write “Duplicate” on the back.

If you were paid via direct deposit or debit card and received a duplicate payment, please send a personal or business check or money order. Include a note that the check is to cover a duplicate payment.

All payments should be made payable to the Illinois Department of Human Services. Please note the month of service and duplicate payment amount received.

All voided checks or checks to cover duplicate payments should be sent to:

Illinois Department of Human Services
Attn: Accounts Payable – Kevin Aherin
100 S Grand Ave East, Harris 2
Springfield, IL 62762

Please contact Kevin Aherin with questions @

Child care providers who have received duplicate payments and do not submit a voided check or repayment of the duplicate payment within 90 days of this notice “by November 3rd ” will receive an overpayment notice and be referred to the IDHS Bureau of Collections (BOC) for further actions."

*Please note that affected providers will receive a follow-up notice via US mail in the coming weeks*
