Child Care Workforce Bonus Program

Go to the Illinois Gateways Page for Applications & Reporting Guidelines

Child Care Workforce Bonus

On Monday, September 13, 2021, the Governor announced a Child Care Workforce Bonus program to recognize the efforts of child care staff who served and continue to serve children and families in person during the pandemic. This bonus is funded by federal pandemic relief funds and will be administered through the Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois Network of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (INCCRRA). The Child Care Workforce bonus will provide bonuses of up to $1,000 for eligible child care providers.

Child Care Workforce Bonuses were available to all in:

  • License-exempt relative home providers who were caring for children on the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) in March 2021 and continue to care for children today. License-exemptive relative home providers do not need to apply to receive a bonus. IDHS will issue bonus payments directly to eligible license-exempt relative providers. Providers do NOT need to contact their local CCR&R to determine if they qualify for the bonus. Please send all questions/comments/concerns to

  • License-exempt non-relative home providers who were caring for children on CCAP in March 2021, continue to care for children today, and have completed all health and safety orientation requirements (including Mandated Reporter and First Aid/CPR) and reported them in the Gateways Registry.  License-exempt non-relative home providers do not need to apply to receive bonuses. IDHS will verify Gateways Registry and completion of trainings, prior to sending the bonus payment, between October 2021 through April of 2022. IDHS will issue bonus payments directly to eligible license-exempt non-relative providers. Providers do NOT need to contact their local CCR&R to determine if they qualify for the bonus. Please send all questions/comments/concerns to

  • License exempt centers who were caring for children on CCAP in March 2021, continue to care for children today, and have 50% of staff who have completed all health and safety orientation requirements (including Mandated Reporter and First Aid/CPR) and reported them in the Gateways Registry.  License-exempt centers will need to apply through INCCRRA to receive bonuses for their staff. Total payment will be based on the number of children enrolled in CCAP at the center. Providers have discretion to distribute bonuses to staff in the way that works best for their center. IDHS will verify Gateways Registry and completion of trainings, prior to distribution of funds, between October 2021 through April of 2022. IDHS will issue bonus payments directly to eligible license-exempt centers. Please send all questions/comments/concerns to

  • Licensed centers and licensed home providers who were caring for children in March 2021 and continue to care for children today.  Licensed centers and licensed homes will need to apply through INCCRRA to receive bonuses for their staff. INCCRRA will issue bonus payments directly to eligible licensed centers and licensed homes. Please send all questions/comments/concerns to

Programs were able to apply to receive funds for their staff and should expect to receive sufficient funding to administer bonus amounts of approximately $750-$1200 per staff member. Funding will include a percentage for payroll taxes, and non-teaching staff as well. 

Programs were able to apply for this one-time bonus between October 2021 and April 29, 2022. 

Licensed Family Child Care, Licensed Centers and License-exempt Centers who care for Children on CCAP
Things you can do to prepare for the Child Care Workforce Bonus Application:

  1. The application process was available through the Gateways Registry Director Portal. If you do not currently have access to the Director Portal request access today! Simply complete the Access Request Form and upload it as an attachment using the Help Center request form.  It takes 2-3 business days to process an Access Request Form. 
  2. Review and update your staff listing in the Director Portal and encourage your staff to update their Gateways Registry information so award amounts can be as accurate as possible.  It is always good to check and update your staff listing at least once a month.  Remove individuals that no longer work at your program, and make sure the current staff are listed in your portal. See this Help Center article for more information.
  3. Read the frequently asked questions! This document will help answer many of your questions and prepare you to submit a complete and correct application.
  4. Learn about the items required to complete a new grant application by going to the Illinois Gateways site.

License-Exempt Centers caring for children on CCAP and License-Exempt Non-Relative Homes caring for children on CCAP:

  1. Complete required Health and Safety Training to care for children on the Child Care Assistance Program. Details on the required training can be found here. License-exempt centers and license-exempt homes must have completed this training to be eligible to receive Child Care Workforce Bonuses.